Nano-Hone Overview
An Overview of The Nano Hone System
Nano Hone is a high-quality maker of Water Stones, Diamond Stones, Stone Holders, Flattening Stones, and more. Nano-Hone products are known for the many innovative features that make sharpening easier and more enjoyable.
Complete Line of Stones and Accessories
Nano Hone offers a comprehensive line of Stones, Flattening Plates, Ponds, Stone Holders and more.
Water Stones
Nano Hone Water Stones are splash and go, meaning they do not require soaking before use. The stones are mounted on color-coded metal plates for stability, identification and compatibility with Nano Hone Stone Holders. They are avilable in 6 grits from 200 to 10,000.
Diamond Resin Stones
Nano Hone offers Diamond in Resin Stones and Strops. These give Diamond Stone performance with a Water Stone feel.
Flattening Stones
The NL-10 Button Tech Lapping Plate (left) and the NL-4 Diamond Lapping Plate (right) are fast cutting and flat. Perfect for precise flattening of Water Stones.
Diamond Surf Stones
The Surf Stones use Replaceable Diamond Plates. The wave pattern creates aggressive removal without clogging, making them useful for profiling, and flattening tools or stones.
Stones Fit on Stages
The bottom side of the Plates the Stones are mounted on (center) have holes that fit on the posts of the Stone Stage (right). These Stone Backing Plates are also available individually for mounting other types of stone for use with the Stone Stage.
Stone Stages Fit on Sharpening Ponds
The bottom side of the Stone Stage has a hole that fits on the posts of the Three Stage Sol, the Two Stage Terra, or the One Stage Moon Sharpening Ponds, any of which provide a non slip work surface that contains the excess water.
Comprehensive Range, Intelligent Design
Nano Hone offers an impressive line of sharpening stones and accessories. All of their products are carefully thought out to work together as an integrated sharpening system. If you are looking for high quality, intelligently designed sharpening stones and accessories, consider the Nano-Hone line of products. Click on the links above for more information about each item.