Save $6 when you purchase all 3 grits.
Made of silicon carbide, the Norton Crystolon bench stones are the fastest cutting oil stones we carry. If speed is more important than the ultimate quality of the edge, the Crystolon bench stones are a good choice. The 8" x 2" stone is also a full 1" thick. The extra thickness is useful when you are using the stone in your hand to sharpen knives and larger tools.
Select from Fine, Medium, and Coarse stones.
Fine: Norton Item No. FJB8, Part No. 61463685515
Medium: Norton Item No. MJB8, Part No. 61463685520
Coarse: Norton Item No. CJB8, Part No. 61463685525
Q. What are the grits of the Fine, Medium and Coarse in the Norton Crystolon stones?
A. The Coarse Crystolon is 120 grit, the Medium Crystolon is 180 grit and the Fine Crystolon is 320 grit. Please see our Norton Grit Chart for more information.
Need more information?
Call a Product Specialist
Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. CTPhone U.S.: 1-800-351-8234
Email a Sharpening Specialist
productspecialist@sharpeningsupplies.comEmails are answered Monday through Friday
Model Numbers: JB8Fine, JB8Med, JB8Coarse, JB8ALL3GRITS
All Categories: Norton, Norton Crystolon Stones, Oil Stones, Sharpening Stones, Silicon Carbide Stones