For Cleaning Diamond Resin and Ceramic Stones
Nano Hone Nano Groomers are for cleaning and conditioning sharpening stones, especially Nano Hone Diamond Resin Plates and Nano Hone Diamond Resin Strops. They also work with ceramic stones too.
Nano Groomers are small diamond resin stones mounted on an aluminum body. This type of stone is sometimes called a nagura or a dressing stone. Not large enough to truly flatten a sharpening stone, the Nano Groomers are used primarily to clean the surface of the sharpening stone of swarf and keep it working efficiently.
Nano Groomers are 53mm x 20mm x 21mm (~2 1/8" x ~3/4" x ~3/4").
We recommend choosing a Nano Groomer that is 2 steps or more larger than the micron surface you're grooming. For example, choose a 50 micron Nano Groomer for a 10 micron Abrasives.
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Talk to a Sharpening Specialist
Our Sharpening Specialists have hands-on sharpening experience, so we can provide expert advice tailored to your needs.
Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. CT
Model Numbers: NG-01, NG-03, NG-10, NG-25, NG-50, NG-100, NG-200
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