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What Is A Carborundum Stone?

What is a carborundum stone

If you've only been around sharpening for a few years, you've probably never heard of a carborundum stone. It isn't that these stones don't exist, it is because the current popular language doesn't use the term carborundum to refer to the silicon carbide stone any longer. In short, carborundum is a silicon carbide stone.

Our most popular "carborundum stone" is the Norton Crystolon Stone. Crystolon is Norton's term for their silicon carbide stone. We offer many different sizes of the Norton Crystolon stone.

If you've been looking for a carborundum stone and just couldn't fine any. You've come to the right place, just look for any of our stones that are labeled "silicon carbide" or "Norton Crystolon Stones".